Criminal Results
State of SC v. BM
Client was charged with Felony Driving Under the Influence Resulting in Death and was facing up to 25 years in prison if convicted. After the prosecution sought substantial prison time for Client, Client was found not guilty of Felony DUI Resulting in Death by a jury but convicted of only the lesser included offense of DUI and sentenced to community service.
State v. AT
Client was in a vehicle on I-95 that was pulled over for going six miles over the speed limit. After law enforcement searched the vehicle for over thirty minutes, law enforcement discovered a substantial quantity of heroin which would have resulted in a prison sentence of at least 25 years if Client was convicted. The drugs were ruled to be inadmissible at trial after a judge ruled that the drugs were found as a result of an unlawful search of Client’s vehicle. All of Client’s charges were dismissed by the State.
State v. GM
Client was charged with Murder after shooting an intoxicated man who had a weapon and threatened Client with physical violence. After a judge refused to dismiss the case, Client was exonerated after a jury found Client not guilty of all charges.
State of SC v. JR
Client was charged with murder under the theory of accomplice liability or the “hand of one, hand of all” law after he was present with a codefendant who shot and killed another individual. Client was exonerated and acquitted of all charges by a jury while the codefendant was convicted and received a sentence of life in prison without the possibility of parole.
State of SC v. RH
Client was accused of shoplifting by an officer who did not understand the law of criminal intent. After Client was offered the Pretrial Intervention program which would have resulted in the dismissal of his charges upon successful completion, Client maintained his innocence and proceeded to trial by jury. The jury found client not guilty of shoplifting.
Civil Results
Client was severely injured in an auto accident as a passenger where both drivers were at fault in the collision and the vehicle in which Client was a passenger did not have insurance. Client’s own insurance company delayed settlement with client. After Client hired Swilley Law Firm, Client recovered a total of $500,000.00 from Client’s insurance company and another insurance company.
Client was severely burned in a fire at someone else’s residence which was caused by the homeowner after the homeowner accused Client of being responsible for the fire. Client was able to recover insurance policy limits of $350,000.00 after Client hired Swilley Law Firm.
Client was attacked by multiple neighbors dogs when the dogs roamed into Client’s yard. While Client only had less than $5,000 in medical bills, Swilley Law Firm was able to procure a settlement for more than $64,000.00 from the dog owner’s insurance.
Client was injured in an auto accident where the police officer made a finding on the accident report that Client was at fault in the accident. The other driver’s insurance company denied payment to Client. After Client hired Swilley Law Firm and a lawsuit was filed against the other driver, the insurance company agreed to pay Client $35,000.00.
Client was injured in an automobile accident and the insurance adjuster tried to trick client into accepting a settlement that was grossly inadequate by sending a direct payment to her bank account of less than $1,500.00. After Client retained Swilley Law Firm, a judge ruled that Client never actually agreed to accept the inadequate settlement and the insurance company eventually paid Client more than 18 times the amount that it tried to trick client into accepting before client retained Swilley Law Firm. Client was also able to recover additional money from her own insurance company.